又到了看朋友们年终总结的时候,因为喜欢看博客,我每年在推上都会分享自己最喜欢的 2 篇文章。写篇文章做个总结,以防以后推特没了,没有记录的地方。


刚刚我又通读了一下所有文章,有点感动的是这些文章还都能访问,good old days.

首先是 2023 年最触动我的一张图放在前面。



  1. 万言当言,不如一默》很多时候我对网上的热点想发表些自己不成熟的评论时候,想要暴论的时候,想要跟着流量走来快速增加我 followers 的时候,会不自觉的想起这篇文章。


  1. On Leaving》今天再读这篇文章的时候我已经全然忘了 5 年前读的感受,但再读一遍依然是喜欢,能在所有世俗的成功的时候选择 on leaving 寻找自己想做的。

Believe it or not, coronavirus is not the cause. My hometown is Wuhan and I do plan to visit my family and friends after the lockdown. I also feel US’s situation is becoming grim. However, I started thinking about leaving long before the pandemic started. One reason for leaving is that I don’t have enough time for myself. My full time work at VS Code leaves me little time/energy to pursue my interest. Here are a few things I’m trying to do recently late at night or in the weekend, but lack enough time/energy for: ....


  1. 关于 Yak Shaving》 这篇文章不用多介绍了,它已经激励影响了无数人,包括几年后的作者自己(已经成为了宇宙最强前端之一)也包括我和我们
  2. 软件工程是个面包机》18 年的文章,现在有了 ChatGPT 似乎读起来有些不一样了


  1. My-Engineering-Practice》也不多介绍了,今年读感触更深了
  2. On leaving Mapbox after 12 years》我为什么这么喜欢关于离开的文章。。。


  1. Rust std fs 比 Python 慢!真的吗!?》探究精神是区分软件工程师的一个指标
  2. thanks-past-me 》也谢谢过去 5 年记录的我


  1. 我「接见」了诺奖得主》开源的魅力在于连接
  2. From where I left

All this to say that, I’m back. I think it’s the right moment for a big thank you to all the Redis community, for what it has done over the years. See you around, I hope there is something more to add to this journey.